One Health Trust President Ramanan Laxminarayan co-authored an editorial published in PLOS Medicine that discusses the journal’s Special Issue on AMR, which drew on several studies investigating antibiotic overuse, drug-resistant infections, and interventions to reduce the spread of AMR. The authors point to the high proportion of studies focusing on infections in neonates and children, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Another group vulnerable to AMR is residents in high-income countries, where prolonged antibiotic overuse and misuse are prevalent and have triggered the development of “superbugs,” such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

In September 2024, a United Nations High-Level Meeting is scheduled to take place and experts will discuss and devise a new framework to tackle the global threat posed by AMR. Engagement across human, animal, and environmental sectors is needed to ensure that countries and organizations receive sufficient funding and resources to combat the issue.

Read the full article, published in PLOS Medicine, here.