February 08, 2014
The World Health Organization’s Global Tuberculosis Report 2013 provides comprehensive information on tuberculosis (TB) for 197 countries and territories that reported their data. This report highlights the growing problem of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), which has become a major public health concern in several countries, as particularly concerning. Intensified global and national efforts to detect cases of MDR-TB, to enrol them on treatment, and to improve treatment outcomes are urgently required, the report states.
We used data from the report to create these graphics in which we show the estimated number of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) cases in 2012 in the high MDR-TB burden countries. The static visualization locates the 20 countries with the highest estimated cases of MDR-TB in 2012 in a map. In the interactive visualization published below, we also show the number of notified cases of MDR-TB and the number of cases enrolled on MDR-TB treatment. These visualizations highlight that MDR-TB cases are highly concentrated in Eastern European and Asian countries. Furthermore, more than half of the estimated MDR-TB cases were found in India, China and Russia.