In the University of Minnesota’s CIDRAP, “On September 26, the eyes of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) experts everywhere will be on New York, where world leaders and policymakers will gather for the second United Nations High-Level Meeting on AMR.

Among those who’ll be watching is Ramanan Laxminarayan, PhD, MPH, founder and president of the One Health Trust and a senior research scholar at Princeton University. A leading voice on AMR, Laxminarayan has been sounding the alarm about the potentially devastating toll of drug-resistant bacterial infections since the late 1990s. He knew it was becoming a problem because he could see what was happening in India’s hospitals.

‘I saw the real human toll of AMR here before it even showed up in the data,’ he told CIDRAP News. ‘And I have to admit that every time I thought this was going to get really bad, it’s always surprised me by getting even worse.'”

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