January 18, 2013
This week, the Disease Control Priorities Network, a research project that CDDEP runs in collaboration with the University of Washington, launched a new website. Read the press release below for more details.
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Seattle, WA (January 11, 2013) – Today the Disease Control Priorities Network at the University of Washington s Department of Global Health has launched a website (www.dcp-3.org) to showcase the creation of Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries, 3rd Edition (DCP3). DCP3 will consist of nine separate volumes: an overview with main messages about global health priority-setting, and eight volumes focusing on a specific health topic, disease category, or population. The volumes will take stock of the latest epidemiological and economic evidence on policies and interventions affecting: Maternal and Child Health; Child and Adolescent Development; AIDS, STIs, Tuberculosis, and Malaria; Cardiovascular, Diabetes, and Respiratory Disease; Cancer; Environmental Health and Injury Prevention; Mental, Neurological and Substance Use Disorders; and Essential Surgery). Each volume will contain chapters by prominent scholars and practitioners in the field with their conclusions for resource allocation priorities in their field.
Similar to the first and second editions of Disease Control Priorities, published by the World Bank and Oxford University Press in 1993 and 2006, DCP3 will include an up-to-date comprehensive review of the efficacy and effectiveness of priority health interventions in low- and middle-income countries with the goal of influencing program design and resource allocation at global and country levels. In addition, DCP3 volumes will present systematic and comparable economic evaluation of selected interventions, delivery platforms, and policies, based on new analytical methods being developed specifically for DCPN. The comprehensive economic evaluation will incorporate evidence on intervention quality and uptake, along with non-health outcomes such as equity and financial protection.
An exciting feature of the website will be a collaboration portal for DCP3 editors, authors, staff and the public to view and comment on draft chapters and other working papers related to DCP3. Authors are then able to receive real-time feedback on works in progress. The site will eventually be a tool for the dissemination of final versions of DCP3 chapters, related resources, and current activities within our country network collaborators. Visitors to the website can also follow current news and events related to global and country-level priority setting in health.
As part of the project s overall communications strategy, the website will be used to feature DCP3 editors and authors in a video series discussing their role in the enterprise and what they hope to see DCP3 achieve. The videos are one piece of a greater social network presence being established by DCP through Twitter (@dcpthree), LinkedIn and You Tube. Links to follow DCP3 through these networking sites can be found on the website homepage.
Questions or comments regarding the DCP3 website can be sent to [email protected].