In Contagion, “In a new series launched by The Lancet, investigators conducted a novel modeling analysis that estimates existing infection prevention methods could prevent up to 750,000 deaths annually that are associated with antimicrobial resistant infections.”

This series on AMR gathered experts led by OHT’s Dr. Ramanan Laxminarayan.

“Our findings highlight how public health actions to prevent infections in the first place should be prioritized as a strategy to tackle AMR as these methods have the potential to drastically reduce the number of deaths from AMR-associated infections,” co-author Yewande Alimi of Africa CDC, said in a statement. “If we can focus on improving infection control methods, water and sanitation and vaccination in [low-or middle income country] LMICs then it should be possible to reduce the number of deaths linked with AMR by 10% by 2030.”

Read more here.